Space derby
is a racing games played between the age group of 7 to 11 yrs boys known as Cub
Scouts. The game which is interesting in this age group is played for the
purpose to learn something new and innovative from it. Each Cub Scout provided
with kit containing rockets and other material used during games. All the
participants are mostly divided in to the group of six and the Elder among the
Cub Scouts becomes the Cub Scout Leader.
The game is mainly judged on three platforms- the speed, the beauties and
genuine basis. In Speed related judgment the designs of the rockets plays a
vital role. All the rockets used in this game made up of plastic or balsa
material. The Cub Scouts race their rockets six at a time.
Cub Scout Leader also plays major role to inspect the
rockets designs made by its team member. As this is the fact that designs of
the rocket plays major factor one should consider following points while
designing rocket to win the race. The lighter the
weight of the rocket more is the chance to win the race but one should not
overlook the strength of the rocket which means the rocket should be strong
regardless of light weight so that it can reach the destination without any
breakage in between their way. To show the beauty in this game of rocket this
is also a major category for which the rocket should be made beautiful to
become nominated in this category. The rocket which is more attractive in look
will win this game and the rocket which are not eye catchy for the judges will
not. The third one is originality which means the rocket should be made with
correct scientific techniques means it should be made with point of view
consideration of all physics and mechanics method.
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